How GPR, a Premier Utility Locating, works?

 The GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) utility scanning & PVC pipe locator is the safest as well as an objective approach to scanning concrete for rebar, utilities, and underground utilities. The GPR scanning process practices a transmitting antenna at a particular determined frequency. In this type of premier utility locating, the electromagnetic force changes in the form of radio waves. These radio waves quickly and accurately bounce off hidden objects such as rebar, pipes, conduits, etc., and get captured back by a receiver within the same antenna.

Any object that shows the signal underground is visualized in real-time on the screen as the Ground Penetrating Radar equipment continues to perform its job. In some unusual cases, we can even identify whether a particular buried object is metallic or non-metallic. 

The scan for the hidden object will be defined by the electrical conductivity of the metal being scanned. An object with greater electrical conductivity will provide a more profound penetrating scan, whereas the result will be the opposite for an object with feebler electrical conductivity. This Mid-Atlantic utility locating helps you cut down the costs by decreasing the uncertainties of damaging relevant pipes and cables while drilling. The GPR scanning helps lessen risk and keeps everyone safe. Along with this, it also saves time.

Benefits of GPR Utility Locating

  • Presents Image in real-time

  • Offers depth of the object within a few meters

  • GPR can detect objects made of plastic, metal, and various other materials, letting you identify whether the buried object is metallic or non-metallic.

Factors on which GPR Utility Locating Cost depends

Numerous factors can determine the price for this Premier Utility Locating. Some of them are-

  • Job Location

  • Measurement of the area to be scanned

  • Depth of objects to be scanned

  • Nature of equipment needed

  • The complexity of the peril is deemed to be in the concrete.


If you are looking for underground facilities that also meet legal and regulatory requirements, Highly advanced and highly accurate Ground Penetrating Radar technology can be used to locate underground utilities in real-time quickly.
