Utility Locators: Call Public And Private Locators For Your Safety Before Digging!

Especially in industrialized places, digging the ground today is no more an easy gig. It needs precision and consideration since there could be service pipes and underground cables. Your chances of reaching underground utility pipes are higher if you do so without adequate preparation and care. Blind digging is dangerous and can cause cut-off of electricity, serious injury, or costly repairs. With only a fast phone call, the great news is there are accurate utility locators available to provide excellent services. What will a utility locator do? Do you know? No, get the complete detail here.

Before you can start digging, utility or cable locators are tools and instruments used to locate underground utilities. Identifying and locating buried services prevents injury from being excavated and encourages safer excavation. The best information you can get before digging is given by them. As a consequence of unjustified searching, they help you prevent high costs.

Some of you may be heard of the 811 one-call? Did you? Yes, let's explain it in detail.

What is ONE-CALL 811?

You've heard the term, "call before you dig." This initiative has been launched worldwide to educate individuals about the objective of considering utility lines before digging. You need to ensure that the area is clear of utility lines if you add a pool, add a barrier or do gardening.

Public Utility Locators: It's a service for free. To identify public utilities using electromagnetic devices, engineers will be sent to the site. Then, they mark anyone who runs to the service meters from the path. This will prevent future disruption to public water, sewage, electricity, and natural gas lines by residents and specialists.

But this does not mean that the field is safe and the digging is free for you to continue.

Private Utility Locators: Before beginning your excavation project, you will need to make a second call. You can need a private utility locator to locate and divide up underground electrical lines, gas pipes, and much more on personal, industrial, commercial, and municipal property.


An essential element is our protection from any damage. Contact the professionals before someone digs in on your commercial or residential land. Next, dial 811 and report your construction plans to the public service locators. After this, always contact the private utility locators for more safety.

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